Monday, January 3, 2011

Smile Tip - How to Tackle Bad Breath When You're Dining Out

 Smile Tip 

Have you ever been at a restaurant and realized that you have bad breath but there’s no gum or mouthwash in sight? The experts from Lowenberg & Lituchy provide discrete remedies to eliminate bad breath while at the dinner table:

Chew on herbs that garnish your plate:
 Garnish is more than decoration – parsley neutralizes bad breath caused by sulfides given off by the bacteria in dental plaque

Order a cocktail:
Vodka kills the bacteria in the mouth that causes bad breath;
just avoid a sugary mixer because it will bind to teeth and trigger the odor-causing bacteria

Have a cucumber:
Place a slice of cucumber on the tongue and press it to the roof of the mouth for 90 seconds to reduce bad breath
Find natural mint:
If onion or garlic breath is your concern, finish the meal off by having a drink with mint such as mint tea which will help combat the odor

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