Monday, December 13, 2010

Smile Tip - Fact vs. Fiction

 The Experts Dispel Common Dental Myths

Myth:  A hard-bristle toothbrush is best for removing tartar
Fact:    Brushing too vigorously with a hard-bristle brush may cause irritation and erosion of the gums

Myth:  Chewing gum is bad for your teeth
Fact:    Chewing stimulates saliva production which helps flush your mouth of foods and beverages that can stain teeth

Myth:  Whitening toothpastes bleach teeth
Fact:    They don’t. Whitening toothpaste alone is not strong enough to achieve a whiter smile – it must be used in conjunction with other at-home whitening products or as a follow up to an in-office whitening treatment

Myth:  Women shouldn’t get their teeth cleaned during pregnancy
Fact:    Pregnant women actually need three cleanings during their term. This is due to high estrogen levels which increase blood flow throughout the body, especially to gums, putting them at greater risk of gingivitis

Myth:  Brushing is as good as flossing
Fact:    Wrong! Flossing twice a day is necessary for clean gums and dislodges food that is stuck which can cause bad breath

Myth:  Candy causes cavities
Fact:    As an adult, as long as you brush and floss twice a day, candy does not necessarily cause cavities

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